Sunday, March 4, 2007

There's something about Mary.....

I lied. I rode south towards Marys Peak instead of into the forest as I promised earlier. Bagged my first pass. Summit of Coast range on hwy 20 near Marys Peak turnoff. This summit is at the end of a 4 mile climb on a twisty highway filled with steehead fisherman on their way to the Alsea River.

I decided to head up Marys Peak until the road ran out. In the summer this is a great 9 mile 3000 ft climb. The signage promises 5.5 miles of open road, I went for it. 3 miles later the road turned into a double track, I turned back.

A great day out. Sanity returns.

March Madness

It is March 4, 2007. I'm going mad. Been off the bike for 2 weeks with the nasty Oregon cold virus which has swept my little berg of Corvallis.

Going to get out and ride my bike over Dimple Hill in the Mac forest. This will be the first of many passes we'll hunt together this spring. Stay tuned.