Check out her front end.....
More later, off to work, Adobe InDesign awaits.
a blog about riding bikes up and over hills with a splash of randonneuring
Thai Nguyen cruisin' on day 2
Thanks to all the Oregon Randonneurs who supported the ride, thanks to all the riders I had a chance to share the road with, I learned a little BC dialect, met some fine folks, saw some fine parts of the great old USA on this fourth of July vacation.
Thai and Jon chillin' out at the conoco oasis
John Kramer at the top of Thomson Pass
I lied. I rode south towards Marys Peak instead of into the forest as I promised earlier. Bagged my first pass. Summit of Coast range on hwy 20 near Marys Peak turnoff. This summit is at the end of a 4 mile climb on a twisty highway filled with steehead fisherman on their way to the Alsea River.