Thursday, July 5, 2007

OR Randonneurs Glacier 1000K ride report short version

I had a chance to see 4 Northwest states this past weekend, it was a chance I did not pass up.

there are a more photos from the OR Randonneurs Glacier 1000K here:

Here's the box score, for full play by play action you'll have to wait a couple days.
Oregon: beautiful, cool, green, wet, home
Washington: gorge ous, calm, hot, wide, hill, hill, hill, hill, hill hell.......
Idaho: 54 mile rails to trail, moose, duck, moose, gnat, cold moose drool.....
Montana: 2 good passes for the log, 90 degrees plus, buffalo burgers, ice, big lake, endless rollers around lake, beautiful destination, glacier melt bath to cool quads.....

I continue to be amazed at the courage and determination of the wide variety of riders who attempt these big rides and I am honored to be in their company. It's not the fastest or best equipped riders who amaze me the most, it is those riders who somehow continue when the deck seems to be stacked against them. You may question the sanity of this sport but you can't challenge the fact that each of these riders who start an event have the courage to begin a journey with no certainty of a happy ending, sounds a little like life.....

Thai Nguyen cruisin' on day 2

Thanks to all the Oregon Randonneurs who supported the ride, thanks to all the riders I had a chance to share the road with, I learned a little BC dialect, met some fine folks, saw some fine parts of the great old USA on this fourth of July vacation.

Thai and Jon chillin' out at the conoco oasis

John Kramer at the top of Thomson Pass

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that kramer is one handsome dude!